“Once your body surrenders to movement, your soul remembers its dance.”

— Gabrielle Roth

I’m Karen, certified Neurodynamic Breathwork facilitator, Embodiment Guide, and Yoga teacher.

I facilitate transformational journeys using breath and movement, to help you awaken your intuitive body wisdom and inner guiding intelligence.

I’m dedicated to hold space for you to integrate all aspects of your being: body, mind, heart and spirit.

Truly honored to guide you on the path toward a more embodied, open hearted and empowered self.

Hello Everyone,


Breathwork is a self-empowering technique that brings profound physical and emotional releases, clearing the mind and body of stagnant energy. Connect to the power of your breath and join a group or book a private session.

Contact Beyond Contact is a transformative dance and healing journey, connecting you to your unique and authentic expression, while forging deeper relationships with others through harmonized movement. 

I offer an embodied approach to Yoga, using the breath and body to enter a flow of moving meditation. Come explore your body, nourish your soul and connect to your power within.


Rebirth Through Breathwork with Facilitator & Dance Healing Guide Karen Nitsche

A journey from a childhood in France to a transformation in LA.


  • "I truly enjoyed the healing vibes of Karen and also how welcoming and accepting that she was with all of us. I could feel how much she cares about what she does and I could feel her intention behind everything. The breathwork was very easy to follow and I appreciated her creating such a safe place for us to journey to the darkest places in our minds."

    - Natasha H.

  • Karen’s Embodied Movement session was a lovely experience, in and of itself, and was a perfect lead in to breathwork. I look forward to trying that again. My biggest takeaway tonight was Karen’s suggestion to massage our heart gently while telling ourselves “I am my own safe space”. I will definitely be using that as a personal mantra - exactly what I needed to hear! My breathwork session was uneventful, but peaceful and restful; also, I guess, just what I needed. Thank you Karen."

    -Dana Mc.

  • "Breathwork with Karen is truly a gift. She lets you be the guide for whatever journey takes place and allows the process to unfold naturally, but with a gentle and supporting presence. I have had countless insights from even just one private session with her and I would recommend it to anyone and everyone I know."

    -Riley M.

  • “I had the privilege to experience different modalities that Karen facilitated. She creates a safe space for inner exploration and growth. Karen does everything with devotion and integrity. Every time I am in one of her sessions, I feel more grounded, connected with myself, and with a deeper trust in my intuition. Forever grateful!”

    - Aleksandra T.

  • Love these Breathwork sessions so much! Always brings me such a calming peace. I feel lighter afterwards and have a much brighter outlook. Thank you for holding space for us to breathe and be... Megan